
Vily withdraws from Imperial Legacy Pact

by David Matterall in

Fleet commanders; Pando, Vily, Killah Bee, Hy Wanto discuss the recent events in Pure Blind and the end of Imperial Legacy. Vily sets a timeline of 2 weeks to withdraw Legacy Coalition from the Non-Invasion Pact with the Imperium. The Imperium declares war.


New Year’s EVE

by David Matterall in

On the show: Matterall   Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] Pandoralica   DEFCON. [The Initiative] Opner Dresden   H A V O C…


2018 Most Influential Awards

by David Matterall in

On the show: Matterall  Destructive Influence Corporation [Northern Coalition.] MacCloud  The Graduates [The Initiative.] Artimus Albosa   Capitalist Army [The Network.]…