CSM Summit

by David Matterall in

Apple Pear (Imperium FC) Caleb Aryania (SCC Lounge, EVE Mogul) Carneros (Bastion Leader, Game Producer) Dirk MacGirk (Open Comms Show,…

Lifeblood Expansion and PVE

by David Matterall in

Topics: Lifeblood Expansion PVE choices in EVE Alliance Tournament Review Speakers: Apothne (Sniggerdly, PL, AT Host/Commentator, CZ Writer) NoizyGamer The…

Imperium Strikes Back

by David Matterall in

State of the Goonion Imperium marches north to Hokanon System – staging Updates: Lucky Clash, Standings User Interface Chances, Captains…

Tech 3 Cruisers

by David Matterall in

Tech 3 Cruisers History of Cruisers Changes and Doctrine Speakers: Asher Elias 23rd best FC in the Imperium and host…

Provi Keepstar Destroyed

by David Matterall in

First Provi Keepstar Destroyed Fights in South Upcoming changes Speakers: Killah Bee Pandemic Legion, FC Jin’taan Provi Bloc Fleet Commander,…

Summer of Rage

by David Matterall in

Summer of Rage Auga Keepstar Fight Speakers: Carneros CEO of The Bastion, political leader, former CCP Dirk MacGirk Pandemic Legion,…

Nerfing Controversy

by David Matterall in

Monthly Economic Report Rorqs and Carrier Fighter Nerfs Ghost Training Fix fail Pirate Battleships Speakers: Aryth Goonswarm Finance and Empire…


by David Matterall in

HED-GP Battles More Mining Changes Speakers: Vily TEST, Fleet Commander Jin’taan Provi Bloc Fleet Commander, CSM Izalis GSF, Theta Squad…

Blood Raiders Defeated (PVE)

by David Matterall in

Blood Raiders Defeated Patch Notes Injectors split up and rising PLEX prices Speakers: Matterall Northern Coalition, DICE, Creative Director INN…